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My name is Frederic Smith, I live in Montreal Quebec. I have now reached the ripe old age of ninety four. Perhaps that explains the tardiness in responding to this query. Having lived safely through the second world war, one thing I learned was that when war breaks out, the truth goes out the window. Ergo I don't believe anything I hear from either side in this tragic stupidity. The one thing that stays with me regarding this tragedy, is when the trusting Michael Gorbachev of the Soviet Union introduced Glasnost To the western Capitalist world and in so doing was instrumental in the Berlin wall coming down thereby unifying Germany. This deal was predicated on the promise that NATO and the western countries would not go an inch eastward through Poland. In keeping with the Wests breaking of promises we find NATO, the warlike mouthpiece of the USA, solidly seated on the Russian border in the face of an ex NKVD psychotic called Putin, who was fingered for the job by a drunken sot named Yeltsin. Not to put too fine a point on it, Putin is attempting to justify the war by referring to the struggle against Naziism in the Ukraine. Not completely too far fetched as the Ukraine has a history of its governments with Nazi sympathies.

While I'm up, a short personal story to let you know from whence I come. As a young man when NATO just came into being I found myself facing a ten foot stone wall in the middle of the night. A paint brush in one hand and a bucket of red paint next to me. Getting down to it since time was of the essence, because Duplessis's red squad was afoot. I set about painting 'NATO MEANS WAR', in three foot tall letters. Somewhat prescient seems to me. I would see that sign on a daily basis for a number of years as I would take the Bleury street car to work every day. The sign is gone but the wall prevails and runs north from Pine ave. to Duluth St. set back from Park Ave. belonging to the Hotel Dieu hospital.

I know not where this war will go but as I see it NATO has a ringside seat watching its proxy madness play out, quietly cheering the defeat of the Russian hegemony. NATO will not be satisfied until it runs the world.


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