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Well at least Michele Calvani actually did a blood oath. Trump would never 😂 .

The fake coffins were disgusting but not wholly shocking - I mean just when you think they can't get any lower.

It is really disturbing that the Russian expansion of influence in Africa has gone unchecked for so long. Despite the 'accidental' death of Prigozhin, it seems like Wagner group just merged with whatever Putin led operations were already present and morphed into an even more worrisome force. One of my favourite female conflict reporters, Clarissa Ward, did an excellent report for CNN about this from the CAR prior to Oct 7th (which is when all news henceforth would be solely about Gaza). Obviously the US and Europe have other priorities right now but it seems like letting this slide isn't a good thing in the long term? Monocle Radio also ran an interview on the Globalist this morning about South Korea's foray into this part of the world, so at least one democracy is making an effort.

My husband's best friend lives in Mostar and we have visited and to read about Kushner's commitment to that memorial is just a slap in the face for the many Bosnians who lost their lives in that conflict. Our friend was a soldier during that time and fought in many battles surrounding Mostar. Due to his command of English he was promoted quite quickly to work with NATO forces. Of course this Kushner deal will go under the radar in the news. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

I am still laughing at the Sunak photo 🤣🤣 but can really expect anything else from him at this point?

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